Embrace Blog

Medicaid Billing for School Psychologists and Social Workers

Webinar presented by Kim Moore, Ed.S, IAASE Medicaid Committee Chair and Embrace® Regional Sales Representative

Tips To Have A Successful Student-Led IEP Meeting

Allowing students to run their own meetings can be a very effective way to ensure that they are included in the IEP[...]

Tips On Keeping Your Classroom Organized

Classroom organization and maintenance may be a daunting task for many teachers. Even those with the best of intentions[...]

Renewed Focus on Restraint & Seclusion in Public Schools

In January 2019, the U.S. Department of Education released information regarding a newinitiative for the use of[...]

What Is Your Role In An IEP Meeting?

It takes a team of caring and compassionate individuals to develop an IEP that meets the academic, social, emotional,[...]

504 Regulations: A Review

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act was first introduced in 1973 to ensure that handicapped students received a free[...]

RTI to MTSS: What Does It Mean For Educators?

Across the country, educators strive to promote student growth and improve student achievement on a daily basis. Often,[...]

School-Based Strategies for Medicaid Outreach

Learn about connecting children and families to Illinois Medicaid coverage in schools in this blog sponsored by IAASE[...]

Tips for Principals: The Evaluation Experience

Public school principals have one of the most intensive and time-demanding jobs. One of the principal’s many duties[...]

Classroom Comprehension Strategies

Reading disabilities have been defined as a specific, brain-based difficulty in learning to identify and interpret[...]

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