Embrace Blog

School Medicaid Funding

Many districts utilize Medicaid funds to help provide medically-necessary services to students in the school setting.[...]

Grant Writing Tips

When an educator is looking to expand or become more innovative in their classroom, they often look to grants for[...]

Medicaid Billing for Health Aides & Special Transportation

Illinois Special Transportation Services Claims

Are The Text Fields Limited To A Certain Number Of Characters?


Music in Classrooms

Music is a very influential tool in the educational environment. Learning how to play an instrument can improve fine[...]

Principals Drive Improvement

October was National Principals Month, celebrating principals across the country. School districts used the hashtag [...]

Physical Activity for Special Needs Students

Physical activity is as beneficial for special needs students as it is for any child, so inspiring children of all[...]

Maximizing Medicaid Revenues

Illinois Medicaid Administrative Claim Process

Can Our District Customize Embrace®?

Yes! During your free[...]

Get Your Students Talking!

Sometimes when an educator asks an open-ended question, they may find themselves staring into a sea of blank faces of[...]

Why We've Changed Our Name

Brecht’s Database Solutions and our products; PowerIEP, Power504, PowerEval, PowerDS, and PowerRTI were all renamed[...]

Improving Student Achievement Results with Data Analysis

Improving Student Achievement Results with Data Analysis

Every day, corporations around the globe use various data to[...]

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