Embrace® Blog

6 Features You Want To Have In Your Special Education Software

Written by Embrace® | Aug 13, 2024 5:02:29 PM

When it's time to select a new special education software provider, how do you choose the right one? What criteria do you use?

Your district is a unique organization, with a unique pool of talent and students. The features that matter to your district may differ slightly from another district’s needs. You might want to survey your staff and compile a list of the features they use daily and those they currently lack.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular EmbraceIEP® features, and maybe you can spot the ones your district needs, too!

Free electronic signatures in the parent portal 

Every special education teacher knows how much of a hassle collecting parent signatures can be. If done offline or through multiple software programs, it takes away from teachers’ time in the classroom, increases paperwork, and can be difficult for parents. 

That’s why you want your special education software to collect and store signatures electronically, and keep all data in one place for security purposes. You also want to ensure this feature is free, especially if you have a large student population.

In EmbraceIEP® software, the e-signature feature is free. Parents and guardians can view and sign the documents electronically in an easily accessible Parent Portal from any web browser. 

Additionally, we offer free translation of all documents. If your district has a large population of foreign-language students and parents, and you need documents translated into multiple languages before they’re sent out to parents, you can improve communication with electronic signatures while simultaneously cutting costs on translations.

See more EmbraceIEP® features in this blog post.


Robust reporting dashboard

Special education enrollment numbers are at an all-time-high. With the increasing number of students in special education classrooms, it becomes harder to keep up with the numerous deadlines and standards required to keep your district in compliance.

As a Special Education Director, you want to quickly and easily access an overview of all the special education data in your district through one reporting dashboard, without having to ask your Tech Director or anyone else on staff for assistance.

The IEP, 504, and Medicaid billing programs in the Embrace® suite provide a comprehensive reporting dashboard for all administrators. You can view grade levels, eligibility, students due for review, and other metrics important for staying on top of compliance.


Batch printing reports

Special education teachers report spending hours working on a single IEP. When you have multiple special education students in your classroom, any time-saving feature can feel life-saving. 

This is why batch printing documents has long been requested by many Embrace® users.

In EmbraceIEP®, users can print several documents for up to 50 students at once using the batch print feature. Various documents are available for batch printing—progress reports, IEP and 504 summaries, student tracking forms, contact forms, and any other documents from active IEP or 504 conferences.

You can also translate the documents if you need to batch-print them in foreign languages.


Auto-save feature

Losing all your progress on an IEP meeting because of an internet outage or simply forgetting to hit the “Save” button amidst everything else is a nightmare for many special education teachers.

Being able to rely on an auto-save feature allows teachers to work on a document without extra rush or anxiety.

The Embrace® auto-save feature reduces staff stress and helps complete IEPs without interruptions.

In addition, in EmbraceIEP®, multiple users can work on the same document simultaneously, boosting collaboration between special education teachers and health professionals.

Read how EmbraceIEP® improved Kane County’s staff procedures.


Human customer support

There’s no better relief than hearing an actual human being on the phone when you call Customer Support. And when they can help you, without keeping you on hold for hours, you know you can trust this provider through thick and thin.

With the increasing popularity of AI, not all software companies offer human customer support. And even if they do, the response time and quality might still be poor.

When your staff has questions about using the software or simply cannot log in, you don’t want to be the main point of contact to resolve all these issues. You’ll never be able to leave the office!

That’s why you need a special education software provider that offers superior Customer Support. 

Embrace® prides itself on fast, human customer service. We promise to answer by the third ring and respond to emails within 20 minutes.


Electronic transfers between districts

Exchanging student data with other districts can be a tedious process. Not only do you want to do it with maximum security, but you also want to receive and send the data in a consistent format so that it’s easy to utilize between districts and doesn’t take up too much of your staff’s time.

When you join the list of Embrace® customers, you can electronically transfer all data to and from other districts with minimal involvement on your side. 

We guarantee the security of each transfer, and the data you receive can be immediately used by your staff as it is standardized according to the Embrace® framework.

Read how Embrace® helped Arctic Borough exchange data with other districts


If you’re looking to explore the benefits of Embrace® special education software at a live demo, book a call with our Sales Representative by filling out the form below!